TIT# Small-angle x-ray scattering of segmented block copolyether esters during stretching AUT# Stribeck, N.; Apostolov, A. A.; Zachmann, H. G.; Fakirov, C.; Stamm, M.; Fakirov, S. SOU# Int. J. Polym. Mater. (1994), 25(3-4), 185-200 LOC# xv019 @selbst.ftx CLA# COM# APP# MAT# ABS# The scattering behavior of poly(ether ester) thermoplastic elastomers based on poly(butylene terephthalate) as hard segments and poly(ethylene glycol) ($\acute{M}_n$ = 100) as soft segments in a ratio 49/51 weight % is studied under stress. Drawn ($\lambda=5$) bristles are annealed with fixed ends in order to create a std. initial surface. Samples with structure destroyed by additional drawing as well as with structure regenerated by solid-state reactions or chemical crosslinking are prepared The data from small- angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) taken under or without stress are evaluated using Stribeck's method and the sizes of crystalline ($\acute{d}_1$) and amorphous ($\acute{d}_2$) regions are directly obtained. A constant value of $\acute{d}_1 \thickapprox 50$ higher than 80% due to axial displacement of the crystallites. The size of the amorphous regions $\acute{d}_2$ measured under stress ($\epsilon$ > 30-50%) rises slightly and reversibly followed by a drop similarly to the measurements without stress, thus indicating that the observed changes in the L-value are due to changes in the amorphous regions only. Further, in thechemical crosslinked sample a reversible axial displacement of the crystallites is observed in the range $\epsilon$ = 100-200%, suggesting a complete elimination of the interfibrillar contacts as well as stretching and relaxation of intrafibrillar tie molecules